Thursday, April 30, 2009

Had a rough night, blasted allergies and wet weather.

Woke up at 3 AM with sniffles and by 3:30 I was having a wonderful sneezing fit. I pulled up Quark and worked on the layouts for the new card sets. I have 24 of the cards laid out. 12 more and set one is ready to print. I'll get that done today.

I have a Jason (Mark's Mysteries) podcast that I'm recording that is coming along mighty fine, so I'll be spending most of the day on it. I'm also turning over the next GGP Astral Podcast in my mind forming it for recording. Time to meet an Astralager. She is a space ship pilot. She guides ships through the Astral World from planet to planet... She has an interesting perspective on the Astral World.


Anonymous said...

Mark, drink plenty of liquids and keep an eye out for those "flu-like symptoms". There is one case of the N1H1 flu in northern Indiana, and with your immune system, don't take a chance. Of course this could be a common cold, you were at a con this past weekend...

thinking about ya!

MarkEllisHarmon said...

Oddly, I had not thought about it, but the mild congestion is persistent today. The allergy reactions may be covering up something. I have started on an OJ/Tea/Coffee routine to be sure.
