Monday, September 15, 2008

Wildly Meandering Mind

I am slowly expanding the "stuff" I am covering here. The idea that I post my thoughts means that I post what I'm thinking about. If you get confused by the range of topics, well, thats where my mind seems to have travelled.

Since I am having trouble getting back to the Mark's Mysteries podcast I have started putting up links to interesting podcasts on that blog. At least it is one less thing for here.

I have been very slowly working on the Susan Van Camp core rules system for RPG's. We actually have three games we would really like to do, but we need a simple format to pour them into. (Prismatics, Three Worlds, Questing are Alpha titles.)

The starting point is to create a set of characteristics that can be easily explained to new people and will cover fantasy, science fiction and other genres. What we have so far is on the card sample you are about to look at. I'll go into more details as I go along. I may need to create a blog just for covering the progress on the core rules.


Well then, Have a good one all!

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