Thursday, October 29, 2009

Well now, looks like another day ahead

No matter what a day is about to bring, I am always glad to be seeing it.

Sitting here in the morning, cat watching the birds, dreaming of dinner. Sue to my left, her computer working for her. Rex Stout playing in the background. Coffee and smokes to my right. My weight slowly dropping. Yes, bring on the day. The morning is top notch.

Had an organic buffalo roast yesterday. Sue made up some gravy, used a bed of bread and butter. Unbelievably good.

Last night we finished up 25 Crypt Crawl pages of history, background, religion and monster making. I just need to hear back that the files work for my reliable testers.

Today I edit the monster codification and information. After that comes the specific monsters and a good useable layout for the stats. While I'm doing that I can work on putting together the first Crypt Crawl for the beta GM's.

Looking good for the launch, but it sure does use a lot of time.

OK, time to get Sue and I more coffee and a ginger swirlee.


Anonymous said...

Ginger swirlee? Sounds intriguing.

Running any crypt crawl games at Pentacon? Or just gonna sit and relax as much as possible?

MarkEllisHarmon said...

I am going to wait and see what I do at Pentacon, however, I am having some beta test characters printed, so I may have to use them. (18 card characters, printed like our new standard cards, except no backs and just as the downloads.)

I am really curious to see what people think of the Crypt Crawl.