Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Seems like everytime I go to a Con I wind up sick for a few days. I'm thinking that the world out there is just brimming with alergens and bugs. *sigh*

I put up places in the DS Beta blog for people to add cards. Lets see what we get. In the meantime, I'm going back to bed.


Anonymous said...

My sleep deprived brain had a thought on the con crud stuff... At cons you seem to handle most of money. Money is handled by every one else with who knows what germs... get my drift? Maybe you need to start carrying some of those little bottles of hand cleanser like Purrell makes.

Anywho, it's just a thought.

Elder_Dragon said...

Archie! I knew you were around. (Nero Wolfe referance). The thought had never crossed my mind. Maybe some of those toweletts. I'll check into that.