Thursday, February 14, 2008

well then

It looks like I'm going to take a couple of days off. I'm getting my back-up files down from the internet even now. I finally took my main machine (portable) in to be checked. The DVD write function had gone bye-bye and the battery power was starting to cut out. Sooo, I get in and they are talking boards etc. that may be going.  It is all going to be covered by the warranty, but my machine is not at home.

My first complaint is that first Sue and now my computer are taking trips to california, and I'm stuck in Flint. Now that just irks me. Even the computer gets a trip, but no, not me. 

Back in the early days of DS I got a computer to work on the DS original files. I have kept it running and it has usb-2, esata hard drives etc. And it's running the Tiger software. Well, here I am all these years later, firing the old devil up. Other than being a bit slow it can still do the job. So, I'm back at much of my work immediatley. For the Quark DS and web work I'll have to wait until the files download, and I'll be working. It looks like 36 to 40 hours to get a copy of everything back. If I had real high speed it would be just a few hours at most, but I'm in Flint.... In Flint we have fake high speed.

I suppose that tonight I should start working on podcasting on the Beast. Thats what I call the old devil here. Mike actually named it several years ago when he was working on it and the name stuck.

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