Monday, February 7, 2011

Making Progress and enjoying life

We are making some real progress towards the new DS. You have probably already noticed that I have started putting actual cards up on the blog to show off.

The current plan is to finish the ring set on Tuesday and Wednesday, then assemble them for the printer and send them on the way. The way we use rings around here it seems that we should also do the Teleport ring as an individual card. My thought is to do them in five card sets for $4.00. Repackage them here and sell them. Sue should get the guideline back to me on Wednesday. I will be able to post it on the order page.

We worked our butts off over the weekend, so today we cut back to just a few hours of work. Tuesday will be web, the talk and plan, then I run a game. We shall see if I am up to a late night work session or not.

Sue is also getting the basics laid out for a DS comic, but we have no date for starting it.

Now, I really need to go pack orders and make prints.

-- Posted From My iPad

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