Sunday, May 30, 2010

Home from MarCon

We are back from MarCon safe and sound. Mocha is resting here by my chair and seems to be satisfied. Mac has been in for cream, but she is busy being mad at us. We Will need to apologize.

Marcon was a good convention, even though it was our third in a row. This is one of the cons that has a dealers room that sets my lungs to acting up, but it did not seem as bad as in years past. The gaming area jaws better than the dealers room, so I ran a game Saturday night. I enjoyed myself and hopefully others did as well. It was a little unusual as the CP speed for the game was 16 to mid 500's, and for the way the zombies were behaving. I will be continuing to run this sequence of adventures at Origins and then Storm Con.

I will try to find the time to write up Rodney's tavern, including the surly Dwarf Rodney. He does have a lot of good drinks for a run down tavern. He also has some serious defensive runes on the place. Thayles will need some explanation as well, and maybe somebody will find the elusive Alexander at some point, or maybe just his body up and shambling about.

For now, bath and sleep. Holiday tomorrow, I will be observing it and giving thanks to our veterans.

-- Post From My iPad

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