Saturday, November 1, 2008

Fall Illness Keeps me quiet

Last Monday morning Sue awoke with a bad cough, lung congestion and general poor health. I spent Monday and Tuesday working and caring for my Sue. By Tuesday night Sue had turned the corner and was able to get work done. It looked like everything would be fine.

On wednesday morning I woke with the problem. I continued to work and care for Sue. My thinking was that I had not gotten this early and that I could toss it aside. Thursday I found myself down for the count. The weakness in my respiratory system came to visit me and doing things like breathing and moving became extremely difficult. (I have had severe bronchial problems which started with puberty. Puberty brought me some things I really, really like plus asthma, allergies and thrice yearly bronchitis. Kind of one of those with the good one must accept some bad experiences.)

Anyway, Friday morning Sue was starting to get worried. She asked me if I needed to go to the doctor. I considered for a moment. I know I could get better on my own, but there is this Pentacon thing coming and I'll still be sick if I don't go for help. So, I went to the doctor.

My regular doc is on vacation, so I headed for a clinic. My Lord, these people want a freaking fortune to get in, oh well, in I went. I left with some samples and a couple of scripts for medicine.

After picking up the meds I read all of the "side effects" carefully. I was a little worried when I saw the warning "avoid use of machinery, especially chainsaws, as some users have a craving to use chainsaws on neighborhood houses, trees, cars and neighbors." OK, maybe that would be fun. I mean that gave me a grin and I had not even taken the stuff.

Well, the meds are working on the congestion and I am rapidly improving. As long as I ignore the entertaining shakes, dizziness, mood swings, stomach gases, umm, where the f**k am I? Oh yea, right. It looks like I'll be on my feet for Pentacon.

Fortunately I was actually ahead on Pentacon prep and the new cards were printed and laminated wednesday. All I need to do is find a day to cut them and I am home free. The e-mail con pick up orders are letting me know how many cards we will need. We will see how that works.

It does mean that the progress I was making on the market and the Gatekeeper Comic have come to a halt, but I'll get back there. The absolutely wild careening of my thoughts has given me several absolutely nutty ideas, and I think I'll do them all.

I have also found a couple of interesting podcasts. I'll get them up on the Mark's Mysteries blog as recommendations in the near future.

OK, I'm going to lay back down. Energy levels have run down and I seem to need an infusion.

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