Friday, November 13, 2009

New Wolf art is on the way.

Sue has just turned over a new wolf painting she has completed to me for scanning and prep for printing. I am liking what I see here. Scanning and assembling large paintings is something that I set aside a good deal of time for. If everything goes well the job is done in an hour, but if it turns weird on me it can take several hours and be a whole day job. I just never know. This one will start as four scans.

Yesterday was one of those days. A bunch of trifling "stuff" kept coming up and I let it get under my skin. I always waste a lot of time once I become agitated. I need to learn better self control. Oh well, too busy learning other new tricks.

I did get a new Crypt Crawl RPG item sheet completed. This one has several items that are used with the animals I have been putting up on the blog. Now that I have all of the pieces ready I can go through and do the Beastmaster cards. (Thought pops into head. Excuse me, but I need bandages on the next sheet.) OK, back, bandages they will be on item sheet 2015.

I have found that once I have 12 or more programs running, on 8 different desktops, my portable starts to slow down visibly. I suppose the two screens and two printers do not help any. I usually end up adding programs as I work, like working on this and skipping to bandages. Right now I am at 14 programs running. I am wondering if I can set up an old machine with skype/canary/chat. I will need to look into that.

I have started slow cooking some chicken. Sue will make chicken soup tomorrow. Then we can have chicken meals sunday and monday.

Enough of this, on to other work.


Anonymous said...

What I have found when agitation starts on a project is to just set it down, walk away , and do something completely different for a while (like say starting lunch or answering emails). Usually (at least for me) when I return to the project with a fresh mind, the answer is easier to find. That is, unless, every frassing project is agitating you, then well, the day is screwed.

MarkEllisHarmon said...

Sometimes I get myself twisted up inside for no good reason. I do not know what causes it. I am going to guess that there are three possibilities. Chemical imbalance, Psychological imbalance or an allergic reaction to external influence. The solution is to learn to ride the wave without loosing control. The solution is time consuming and difficult. *sigh* Every thing seems to be time consuming. Difficult I can deal with, time I am having trouble creating.

Your walk away suggestion would actually work to break the sequence of irritation. I just need something to trigger that response. Hmmm, I wonder.