Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Monday I got all of the DS orders pulled, packed and on there way. For some reason everything I did took way too much time to get done. One of those mondays, I guess.

I spent today polishing the Mark's Mysteries podcast #11 and got a chance to here #10 with all the sound in it. I think it really sounds good. Gregg is improving.

Tomarrow I'll be doing web catch up, a short Grandilar Game Podcast and integrating the new Tark/Three Worlds rpg ideas into the Alpha version. We had a good game Sunday. Looks like I can stop remaking the basic deck, at last. I'm actually trying to build an encounter section for the GM. Should save some time. Should be fun.

For now, I wave at all of you as I head over to the DS Beta board for some light reading.


Unknown said...

Hey Mark,
Any thoughts on the werebears or elementals? I'm not seeing a lot of stuff on those sections and I was hoping for some new feedback to help me tweak them or something. Thanks.

Elder_Dragon said...

I have not had a chance to play them yet, so no comments yet. Nothing like writing them on a card and using them to find out. It may be some time, I've dropped three DS games to make time for newer projects.