Sunday, December 6, 2009

Morning Exercise, Routines and Depressions

I have spent most of the past week in a depression, you know, that feeling that nothing is going to work out. It tries to get you to sit on your butt, eat and do nothing. Which brings on the nothing works ending. I do not know why this is going on and I really do not care what causes it.

I have forced myself to get work done and move on. Still depressed. So, I have decided that this is the time to add an exercise routine at least twice a day. May as well have a reason for being depressed. As they say "The beatings will continue until moral improves."

Have a good Day!


Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer that despite (or maybe because of) Christmas, December is one of the most depressing months. Of course, for some strange reason I really don't want to know, my ancestors tend to die in December so maybe that is part of it. And then, living in the cold gray midwest, my solar cell theory comes into play --> no sun = bad mood.

So I recommend exercise, sunlamps (or grow bulbs in some of the lamps around the house) and the mantra "spring will come, spring will come..." I'll let you know if it works for me.

MarkEllisHarmon said...

I have begun chanting, we shall see how that works. In the meantime I am moving furniture. Completely tore my office area apart and moved it to another room. Scrubbed rugs and the whole nine yards. I haven't got much done for two days, but it does look nice...