Thursday, December 4, 2008

Too much thinking

I'm having my normal too many ideas, too many jobs problems. Ideas for stories, cards, games and more keep floating up from my subconscious into the brain. The trouble is they are flashing by far too fast for me to actually get them to a useable format.

I'll be working on a short story fragment for something like the Bloodkin Evolution and suddenly a line for a podcast comes in to the fray. When I look at that one my mind gets diverted and the next think I know it is an hour latter and I'm looking at a new card idea. I usually don't know how I arrived there and nothing has really gotten done.

In some ways I like being a dreamer, but that does not get much done. I am going to either except my chaotic creative thinking pattern and get little done or I need to learn to ride roughshod over the imagination and focus on just one line at a time.

My concern is that if I get the mind under control would I simply stop the imaginings? That would be bad for me as I may not have enough ideas to work on afterwards.

I know this all sounds a little silly, but it is an issue for me.

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