Sunday, December 2, 2007


I had a bit of a rough night last night. I kept coffing etc. about every half hour. Surprisingly I feel a good deal better this morning. This may be a pain, but some ten years ago things switched. I used to get full bronchitis/pnemonia three or four times a year. At least that is over. I think I've turned the corner and will be better.

This weekend I got this blog going and I'll be getting the Mark's Mysteries blog going next. I've made new outputs of the MM podcasts in mp3 to link to the new web pages I'll be doing. In fact the one for episode one goes up later today!

Quick Mom update. My mom's new home dialysis is working pretty darned good. She is getting around and doing housework, cooking, vacumming and other stuff the docs say she can't do any more. She's a chip off the old block.

Bye for now!

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