Friday, December 10, 2010

Friday night. A week has gone by.

I have been letting my mind wander through all of the projects we are working. The trickiest part is trying to make sure they all fit together as a smooth whole.

I know people are going to wonder about some of the basic sets we are doing. In the fullness of time we will run out of Decks. We will need to have basic cards in place to make the game run when that happens. It means that we do basic sets to prep for that day and even begin a transition now rather than waiting and having a jarring shift. We will also be doing some cards that duplicate existing cards. We will need those when the originals are gone. Many of the old cards will not be duplicated, but they will still be valid.

Looking forward to the holiday here at the Clanhold. Meeting with some Necromancers friends this weekend.

-- Post From My iPad

Monday, December 6, 2010

The lights are flickering, there is hope!

I do believe the necromancers chasing me have finally slackened their search. I am dug deep in the Secret Clanhold. Communications have been difficult, but a few spirit messengers have found their way in and out of the clanhold, but I am not sure I trust the stories they bring me.

You can not really be doing that! The way it was told to me, well, it just does not seem to me that that position is possible. Ok, I will try it..

-- Post From My iPad